Friday, December 7, 2007

Recruitment Microsites

Gone are the days where job-seekers spend wasted minutes dragging a mouse around an obscure "Main", or "About Us" or "Contact Us" section of an already overpopulated website in search of the Careers Section. A lot of the big technical companies are making good use of dedicated portal sites to furnish prospective candidates with information about career opportunities. Let's face it, Careers are important - they deserve their own site! Microsoft's new site is a fine example of how these can work, and they have even used their Silverlight technology in parts. But in true Microsoft style, it's brought something (the site) to the market that has been pioneered by others! Ericsson have a great microsite, well laid out with good information about living and working in Ireland, illustrated with rich graphics in an effective layout. It's interesting the way the domain name does not mention the company specifically, but refers to all telecom jobs in Ireland.

HP have a generic Global Careers site but the address is horrible, your average Joe is not going to remember a domain name like which would necessitate the use of Google to find the site. I don't think a Global Careers Site is the way to go, it's too impersonal and overbearing - Microsites are the way to go for big companies with "busy" websites

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